Project Summary

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The MiGREAT project brings together four educational organisations from across Europe: Giolli (Italy), Elan Interculturel (France), EFA (England) and Open Circle (Hungary). These partners are all deeply concerned about the rise in anti-immigration sentiment and action across the continent and determined to do something about it.

MiGREAT! has international learning and capacity building at its core. We plan to help educators across our four countries to develop and spread positive narratives around migration, which will act as a counterpoint to negative discourses. We will share our expertise, learn new methods and bring these methods to our wider networks in order to have a bigger impact in the crucial work of creating positive narratives. 

Across our four educational organisations we have expertise around Frerian popular education, Community Organising, Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, Theatre in Education, Applied Drama and Critical Incident. Between us, we will exchange and develop counter narrative tools and methods inspired by this broad base of praxis and expertise. 

To do this, we will run six trainings, in four different countries that will reach around 80 practitioners. Training participants will include adult educators, theatre practitioners, activists, campaigners, community organisers, psychologists, social workers and cultural workers. Many of these practitioners will be migrants themselves. We will reach 100s in our wider networks through our dissemination (workshops, seminars and conference) and the tools (handbook, Visual tools and Theatre scripts) we develop during the course of the project. 

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