The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063380 MIGREAT! CONCLUSIONS The MiGreat! Project (Changing the narrative onContinue reading

Online and offline: love and hate The Migreat! Project had been running for only a few months when the Covid-19 pandemic took off all over the world. After an initial period of incertitude, we modified our activities, both at the national and international level, according to the limitations imposed. It was not an easy path: certain activitiesContinue reading

Engaging the Public: Sharing our Tools through Seminars, Workshops and Forum Theatre Sessions One of the aims of our project is to share the tools, guides and learnings developed together during the last two years with a wider audience of teachers, theatre practitioners, migrants rights activists, migrant community leaders, researchers, people with a migrant backgroundContinue reading

HAVE YOU SEEN?! FORUM THEATRE AS AN ALTERNATIVE NARRATIVE IN HUNGARY Author: Zsófia Jozifek Play. Act. Explore. Nyitott Kör, The Hungarian partner of the MiGreat project, is otherwise a Theatre in Education Company. We are creating and playing interactive, participatory theatre performances about social dynamics, issues, relationships, and challenges, mostly for school classes. Theatre inContinue reading

FORUM THEATER: HOW TO CHANGE the NARRATIVE ABOUT MIGRATION From theory to practice From the 9th to the 11th of September 2021 second training on Theatre of the Oppressed took place in Budapest. It was, facilitated  by Giolli Coop, focusing  on the use and facilitation of  Forum Theatre. The four  ”Migreat!” partners worked on aContinue reading

Migreat! Handbook – Creative approaches to changing the narratives on migration through visual tools The group of the MiGreat! Project created various visual tools focusing on the narratives of migration. Some of these visual tools already feature  in previous blog posts. This time we would like to share a different outcome, focusing on the processContinue reading

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